Tails Operating System

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Tails is a portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship. It is only used with a Flash Drive and is never installed on a hard drive. The portability of this OS provides the advantage of automatically removing data when the OS is turned down.

What is the Tails Operating System?

Tails is an operating system that aims for enhanced security and anonymous internet browsing. It is a Linux distribution based on Debian. It is a highly secure and portable operating system that protects users's online privacy by employing the Tor network. Tails does not use a system hard disc, so nothing you do on the system is saved. Instead, everything you do on the system is saved in the main memory and then deleted when you shut it down.

History of the Tails Operating System

Tails Operating System was introduced in 2009. It was initially financially supported by the Tor browser and Mozilla. Incognito OS, a Gentoo Linux-based distribution with similar features, was introduced a year before tails, Hence sometimes the tails OS is termed as the incognito's next iteration.

Why should You use the Tails Operating System?

Tails may be a better option when a highly secured, protected, and no surveillance mode is required. You might have heard about these terms, Security vulnerability, browser exploit, or malicious software, these all are related to network issues, if you want to browse on public Wi-Fi networks, the possibilities of facing these types of vulnerabilities increase. Tails is a Linux distribution operating system with a security focus that could help you. If you're using a public Wi-Fi network, this OS could even shield your traffic from intrusion. Similarly, if you're worried about someone tracking you around, it can randomize your traffic to keep you safe.

How does the Tails Operating System Work?

Tails operating system can be installed on a USB drive and used at any moment by using system boot. It is very easy to download from Tails's official website.

Tails protect you in a variety of ways. Tor is used for all internet communication. Its primary goal is to provide you the security through anonymity. It enables anonymous web browsing via encrypted connections, because all traffic is relocated through Tor, it is hard to monitor your physical location or see which websites you visit; additionally, it never uses the Hard Drive for data storage, so there is no risk of data theft.

Features of Tails Operating System

Portability: It can be used anywhere with the help of a USB Drive.

Amnesia: The term amnesia refers to memory loss. In this context, we are using this term to refer to the data removal mechanism of this Operating System. As this operating system is never installed on the Hard Drive and only run by loading from a USB drive to Memory, So all data is removed immediately after the use, without leaving a single trace of usage.

Persistent Storage: Although the data is removed after the removal of the USB or can say turning off the OS, still it provides a feature of encrypted persisting storage for the data.

Application Toolbox: It comes along with the generally used built-in digital application, for example, tor browser, LibreOffice, Thunderbird, etc.

No trace of Internet Usage: This operating system uses the Tor browser for data browsing over the internet, hence there is no tracing, no online surveillance, and no identity tracking. Tor encrypts and anonymizes the connection by using a 3 relay mechanism.

Transparency: The all code of Tails Operating System is open source and visible publically, In this way users can verify how it is working internally.

Free: This operating system is not paid. Hence everyone can use safe browsing and utilize a secure system service with the help of Tails for free.

Advantages of Tails Operating System

  • It helps to maintain privacy and anonymity while using the system.
  • It is easy to use and understand.
  • It leaves no trace of usage because of no data persistence in the hard drive.
  • It also provides various applications with the installation of the Operating system.

Disadvantages of Tails Operating System

  • Tails can't protect anonymity and privacy against compromised hardware.
  • It must be used as a live boot Operating System, which means we must need a USB drive to boot the Operating System.


  • Tails is a highly secured operating system, which provides anonymous browsing over the internet with the help of the tor browser.
  • It doesn't use the hard drive and runs with the portable USB drive.
  • There is no data persistence hence, it leaves no trace and identity after the use.
  • The operating system includes various extra application and tools associated with it which comes along with the installation of Tails.
  • It is open source and free.