telnet Command in Linux

Topics Covered


In this article, we will explore the telnet command in Linux, which is a user command that allows you to connect to remote servers using the Telnet protocol. The primary purpose of the telnet command is to test the connectivity and functionality of remote servers and devices over a TCP/IP network.

Linux telnet Command Syntax

The syntax for the telnet command is as follows:


  • options: Various flags and settings that modify the behavior of the command.
  • host: The remote server or device you want to connect to.
  • port: The port number to use for the connection (default is 23).

telnet Command Options:

  • -a: Attempt automatic login using the current username.
  • -E: Disable the escape character functionality (by default, the escape character is '^]').
  • -l user: Specify a username for automatic login.
  • -8: Use an 8-bit data path, allowing the transmission of 8-bit characters.

Example Usages

  • Connect to a remote server using the default port.:


    Explanation: This command connects to using the default Telnet port (23).

  • Connect to a remote server using a specific port.:


    Explanation: This command connects to using port 8080.


  • Although telnet is an easy-to-use tool for testing connectivity, it is not secure and should not be used for sensitive data transmission.

Advanced Use Cases of telnet Command in Linux

  • Automatically log in with the current username.:


    Explanation: This command attempts to log in to using the current username.

  • Disable the escape character functionality.:


    Explanation: This command connects to and disables the escape character functionality.

  • Specify a username for automatic login.:


    Explanation: This command connects to and attempts to log in using the specified username 'user123'.


  • The telnet command is a useful tool for testing connectivity and functionality of remote servers and devices over a TCP/IP network.

  • It supports various options to modify its behavior, such as automatic login and disabling the escape character functionality.

  • However, telnet is not secure and should not be used for sensitive data transmission.