How to Use $unwind Operator in MongoDB

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The article "How to Use unwindOperatorinMongoDB"providesacomprehensiveguideonutilizingtheunwind Operator in MongoDB" provides a comprehensive guide on utilizing the unwind operator in MongoDB's aggregation framework. It explains the purpose and behavior of the unwindoperator,whichisprimarilyusedtoworkwitharrayfieldsandsplitthemintoseparatedocumentsforfurtheranalysisoraggregation.ThearticlebeginsbyintroducingtheconceptoftheUnwindmongodbmongodboperatoranditssignificanceinMongoDB.Ithighlightsthattheoperatorisessentialwhendealingwitharrayfieldsandenablesoperationsonindividualelementswithinthearray.Whetheryouareabeginneroranexperienceduser,thisarticleservesasapracticalguidetoeffectivelyutilizetheunwind operator, which is primarily used to work with array fields and split them into separate documents for further analysis or aggregation. The article begins by introducing the concept of the Unwind mongodb mongodb operator and its significance in MongoDB. It highlights that the operator is essential when dealing with array fields and enables operations on individual elements within the array. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this article serves as a practical guide to effectively utilize the Unwind MongoDB operator within MongoDB's aggregation pipeline.

What is the $Unwind Operator in MongoDB?

The $unwind operator in MongoDB is used to deconstruct an array field into multiple documents. It creates a new document for each element in the array, effectively "unwinding" the array.

Syntax Of the Unwind Operator

Here's the syntax for using the $unwind operator in MongoDB:

Let's break down the syntax:

  • db.collection.aggregate: This is the method used to perform an aggregation pipeline on a collection. Replace collection with the name of your actual collection.

  • { $unwind: "$arrayField" }: This is the stage in the aggregation pipeline where the $Unwind mongodb operator is used. Replace arrayField with the actual name of the array field you want to Unwind mongodb .

Here's an example to help illustrate how $unwind works. Suppose you have a collection called orders with documents like this:

To unwind the products array field, you would use the following query:

The result of the above query would be multiple documents, one for each element in the products array:

Note that the _id field remains the same, while the products field is deconstructed into separate documents.

You can also use multiple $unwind stages in an aggregation pipeline to Unwind mongodb multiple array fields if needed.


The $unwind operator in MongoDB is used to deconstruct an array field and output a separate document for each element in the array. It is commonly used in the aggregation framework to process arrays and perform further operations on the individual elements.

When the $unwind operator is applied to an array field, it expands the array and generates a new document for each element. The original document is duplicated for each array element, with the array field replaced by a single element from the array.

Here's an example to illustrate the behavior of the $unwind operator. Let's consider a collection called students with the following documents:

If we apply the $unwind operator on the subjects field, the array will be unwound, and each document will be duplicated for each subject:

The result of the above aggregation would be:

Options of $Unwind in MongoDB

In MongoDB, the $unwind operator has some additional options that allow you to customize its behavior. These options are specified as an object within the $unwind stage of the aggregation pipeline. Here are the available options for the $unwind operator:

  1. { path: <fieldPath> }: This option is used to specify the array field to be unwound. <fieldPath> should be the name of the array field within the documents.

  2. { includeArrayIndex: <outputField> }: This option allows you to include the index of the array element in the output documents. <outputField> specifies the name of the new field where the array index will be stored.

  3. { preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: <boolean> }: By default, if an array field is empty or null, the $unwind operator will not generate any documents. Setting this option to true will preserve empty and null arrays and produce a single output document with the original array field.

  4. { unwindEmptyArray: <boolean> } (available starting from MongoDB 4.4): This option allows you to specify whether to Unwind mongodb an empty array. By default, if an array field is empty, the $unwind operator will not generate any documents. Setting this option to true will produce a single output document with the empty array field.

How $Unwind Works with Non Array Field Paths

The $unwind operator in MongoDB is specifically designed to work with array fields and unwind them into separate documents. It does not have any effect when used with non-array field paths. If you attempt to use $unwind with a non-array field, it will simply pass through the documents unchanged.

Here's an example to illustrate this behavior. Consider a collection called students with the following documents:

If you try to use $unwind on the name or age fields, it will have no effect:

The result of the above aggregation will be the same as the original documents:

Since $unwind is specifically designed to work with arrays, it will only "Unwind mongodb" array fields and generate new documents for each element of the array.

If you want to manipulate non-array fields in MongoDB's aggregation pipeline, you can use other operators and stages that are appropriate for your use case. For example, you can use $project to add, remove, or modify fields, or use $addFields to add new computed fields based on existing ones.

Since $unwind is specifically designed to work with arrays, it will only "Unwind mongodb" array fields and generate new documents for each element of the array.

If you want to manipulate non-array fields in MongoDB's aggregation pipeline, you can use other operators and stages that are appropriate for your use case. For example, you can use $project to add, remove, or modify fields, or use $addFields to add new computed fields based on existing ones.

How to Group Data with the $Unwind Operator

The $unwind operator in MongoDB is often used in conjunction with the $group stage to group data based on array elements. By unwinding an array field before grouping, you can perform aggregations on individual elements within the array. Here's how you can group data using the $unwind operator:

Suppose you have a collection called orders with documents like this:

To group the data based on the products field and calculate the total quantity for each product, you can use the following aggregation pipeline:

Let's break down the pipeline stages:

  1. { $unwind: "$products" }: This stage, Unwind mongodb the products array field, creating separate documents for each element in the array.

  2. $group: This stage groups the documents based on the value of the products. name field (since we're unwinding, we use the path to access the nested field). The _id field specifies the grouping key, and the $sum calculates the total quantity for each product.

The result of the aggregation would be:

As you can see, the data is grouped based on the field, and the total quantity for each product is calculated.

By using the $unwind operator in combination with the $group stage, you can perform aggregations on individual array elements and group data based on array fields in MongoDB's aggregation pipeline.

As you can see, the data is grouped based on the field, and the total quantity for each product is calculated.

By using the $unwind operator in combination with the $group stage, you can perform aggregations on individual array elements and group data based on array fields in MongoDB's aggregation pipeline.

MongoDB $Unwind on Embadded Arrays

In MongoDB, you can use the $unwind operator to unwind embedded arrays within documents. This allows you to perform operations on individual elements of the embedded arrays or to reshape the data for further aggregation. Here's an example of using $unwind on embedded arrays:

Consider a collection called orders with documents containing an embedded array of products:

To Unwind mongodb the products array and operate on individual product elements, you can use the following aggregation pipeline:

The above aggregation pipeline stage $unwind deconstructs the products array, creating a separate document for each element within the array.

The result of the aggregation would be:

As you can see, the embedded products array is unwound, and new documents are generated for each product element, while retaining the other fields of the original documents.

You can then continue your aggregation pipeline by applying further stages, such as $group, to perform aggregations or transformations on the unwound data.

By using $unwind on embedded arrays, you can work with individual elements of the array and perform operations specific to those elements within MongoDB's aggregation framework.

As you can see, the embedded products array is unwound, and new documents are generated for each product element, while retaining the other fields of the original documents.

You can then continue your aggregation pipeline by applying further stages, such as $group, to perform aggregations or transformations on the unwound data.

By using $unwind on embedded arrays, you can work with individual elements of the array and perform operations specific to those elements within MongoDB's aggregation framework.


Certainly! Let's take an example to illustrate how to use the $unwind operator in MongoDB.

Consider a collection called books with documents that contain an array field authors, representing the authors of each book:

Now, let's say we want to find all the books and their respective authors, but in a denormalized format where each author is listed with the book details.

We can use the $unwind operator to achieve this. Here's the aggregation pipeline:

The $unwind stage above deconstructs the authors array, creating a separate document for each author within the array.

The result of the aggregation would be:

As you can see, the authors array is unwound, and new documents are created for each author with their respective book details. The other fields (_id and title) remain the same for each author.

You can further expand the pipeline to perform additional operations, such as grouping, sorting, or filtering based on the authors or any other fields, depending on your requirements.

Using the $unwind operator allows you to work with individual elements of an array and perform aggregations or transformations specific to those elements within MongoDB's aggregation framework.

Now, let's say we want to find all the books and their respective authors, but in a denormalized format where each author is listed with the book details.

We can use the $unwind operator to achieve this. Here's the aggregation pipeline:

The $unwind stage above deconstructs the authors array, creating a separate document for each author within the array.

The result of the aggregation would be:

As you can see, the authors array is unwound, and new documents are created for each author with their respective book details. The other fields (_id and title) remain the same for each author.

You can further expand the pipeline to perform additional operations, such as grouping, sorting, or filtering based on the authors or any other fields, depending on your requirements.

Using the $unwind operator allows you to work with individual elements of an array and perform aggregations or transformations specific to those elements within MongoDB's aggregation framework.


Q. What is the purpose of the $unwind operator?

A. The $unwind operator is used to deconstruct an array field in a document and generate separate documents for each element of the array. It is commonly used in the aggregation pipeline to perform operations on individual array elements or to reshape the data for further processing.

Q. Can $unwind be used with multiple array fields?

A. Yes, you can use multiple $unwind stages in the aggregation pipeline to Unwind mongodb multiple array fields. Each $unwind stage should be specified for a separate array field.

Q. What happens if the array field is empty or null?

A. By default, if the array field being unwound is empty or null, the $unwind operator will not generate any documents for that field. However, you can use the preserveNullAndEmptyArrays option to preserve empty or null arrays and generate a single output document with the original array field.

Q. Does $unwind change the original collection or documents?

A. No, the $unwind operator does not modify the original collection or documents. It generates new documents in the aggregation pipeline based on the unwound array field.


  • The $unwind operator in MongoDB's aggregation framework is a powerful tool for working with array fields. It allows you to "Unwind mongodb" an array, creating separate documents for each element within the array.
  • $unwind is used to deconstruct array fields and generate multiple documents based on the elements of the array.
  • It is commonly used in conjunction with other stages, such as $group, to perform aggregations or transformations on individual array elements.
  • When using $unwind, the array field is replaced by a single element from the array in each generated document.
  • The order of the documents in the output may change due to the internal workings of MongoDB and is not guaranteed to match the original order of the array elements.
  • By default, if an array field is empty or null, the $unwind operator does not generate any documents for that field. However, there are options like preserveNullAndEmptyArrays and unwindEmptyArray (from MongoDB 4.4 onwards) to control this behavior.

The topic "How to Use $unwind Operator in MongoDB" is closely related to several other topics within MongoDB's aggregation framework and data manipulation capabilities. Here are some related topics that you might find helpful:

1. MongoDB Aggregation Framework: The $unwind operator is just one component of MongoDB's powerful aggregation framework. Exploring the broader aspects of the aggregation pipeline, including other stages such as $group, $match, $sort, $project, and more, will enhance your understanding of how to perform complex data manipulations and analysis in MongoDB.

2. Array Operations: Understanding how to work with arrays in MongoDB is essential for utilizing the $unwind operator effectively. Learning about other array-related operators such as $push, $addToSet, $pull, and $slice will broaden your knowledge of array manipulation and querying within MongoDB.

3. Aggregation Pipeline Optimization: As your MongoDB aggregation pipelines become more complex, optimizing their performance becomes crucial. Topics such as index usage, pipeline stages order, and pipeline design considerations can greatly impact the efficiency and speed of your aggregations.