What is Zombie Process in Linux?

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In the world of Linux operating systems, there exists a peculiar phenomenon known as the "zombie process". While the term may conjure up images of the undead, zombie processes are not as sinister as their name suggests. In this article, we will delve into the concept of zombie processes, their significance in Linux systems, and how they can be managed.

In Linux, understanding process states and the concept of zombie processes is crucial for effective process management. Let's explore the different process states and delve into what zombie processes are all about.

Process States in Linux

In Linux, a process can exist in several states throughout its lifecycle. These states provide insight into the current condition and behavior of a process. The commonly recognized process states in Linux are:

  1. Running:
    A process is running when it is actively executing on the CPU. The scheduler allocates CPU time to the process, allowing it to progress.

  2. Sleeping:
    A process enters the sleeping state when it is waiting for an event to occur. This event could include user input, completion of an I/O operation, or a signal from another process. Once the event is triggered, the process transitions back to the running state.

  3. Stopped:
    A process can be stopped temporarily, often due to the receipt of a stop signal. This can occur when a user presses Ctrl+Z or when the process receives a SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP signal. A stopped process remains idle until it receives a resume signal to continue execution.

  4. Zombie:
    A zombie process, also known as a defunct process, is a terminated process that has not been fully removed from the process table. It exists in this state until the parent process acknowledges its termination and collects its exit status. Zombie processes consume minimal system resources but still occupy an entry in the process table.

How a Zombie Process is Created and How does it Work?

In Linux, a zombie process is created when a child process completes its execution, but its parent process fails to handle the termination properly. Let's explore how a zombie process is created and how it functions within the Linux operating system.

1. Child Process Termination:

When a child process finishes its execution, it sends a termination signal, specifically SIGCHLD (signal child), to its parent process. This signal notifies the parent that the child has completed its task and is ready to be cleaned up.

2. Parent Process Failure to Handle the Signal:

The parent process is responsible for handling the SIGCHLD signal and collecting the exit status of the terminated child process. This is typically done by invoking the wait() system call. By calling wait(), the parent retrieves the exit status of the child process and allows the kernel to release system resources associated with it.

However, if the parent process fails to handle the SIGCHLD signal or neglects to call wait(), the terminated child process enters a zombie state.

1. Zombie State:

In the zombie state, the child process is considered dead, but its entry in the process table remains. The kernel retains the process information, including the process ID (PID) and exit status, until the parent process retrieves it.

The zombie process consumes minimal system resources, as it only occupies an entry in the process table and a small amount of memory. However, it does not actively consume CPU resources.

2. Parent Process Cleanup:

To remove the zombie process and free up system resources, the parent process must handle the SIGCHLD signal and invoke the wait() system call. By doing so, the parent collects the exit status of the terminated child process, acknowledges its termination, and allows the kernel to remove the entry from the process table.

If the parent process fails to handle the SIGCHLD signal indefinitely, the zombie process can linger in the system, potentially accumulating if multiple child processes are terminated without proper cleanup.

It's worth noting that zombie processes are typically harmless in small numbers. However, if an excessive number of zombie processes accumulate, they can occupy valuable entries in the process table, leading to inefficient resource utilization.

Certainly! Here's an example code that demonstrates the creation of a zombie process and how it works in Linux:

In this code, a parent process creates a child process using the fork() system call. The child process executes a simple task and then exits using exit(0). Meanwhile, the parent process waits for 2 seconds using sleep(2) without collecting the child process's exit status.

When you compile and run this code, you will see the following output:

At this point, the child process has terminated, but the parent process has not collected its exit status. As a result, the child process becomes a zombie process.

How to Identify a Zombie Process in Linux?

To identify a zombie process in Linux, you can use various methods and commands. Here are a few commonly used techniques:

1. Using the "ps" Command

The ps command is a versatile utility for process monitoring in Linux. By combining it with specific flags, you can filter and identify zombie processes. One common flag is -e (or -A), which displays information about all processes, including zombies. To specifically identify zombie processes, you can search for the 'Z' state in the STAT column.



The Z in the STAT column or the zombie or defunct> pattern from the output of the ps command can be used to identify zombies, as can be seen from the result.

2. Utilizing the "top" Command

The top command provides real-time information about system processes, including their states. When running top, the default view displays the processes sorted by various criteria, including the state column. Zombie processes are represented by 'Z' in the state column.



In the output above, we can see the number of Zombie processes.

Dangers of Zombie Processes

In the world of Linux operating systems, a seemingly harmless phenomenon called the "zombie process" can pose significant dangers. Below we will delve into the dangers of zombie processes in Linux and explore their potential impact on the system.

1. Resource Depletion:

One of the primary dangers of zombie processes lies in their ability to gradually deplete valuable system resources. While individual zombie processes consume minimal resources, their accumulation can clutter the process table, resulting in inefficient resource allocation. This can lead to resource exhaustion, hampering the performance of other critical processes and causing system instability.

2. Degraded System Performance:

As the number of zombie processes increases, system performance takes a hit. The CPU, which should be dedicated to active processes, is wasted on managing and tracking zombies. This leads to decreased responsiveness, increased system latency, and delays in executing tasks. The overall performance of the system suffers, impacting the user experience and productivity.

3. Potential Security Vulnerabilities:

Zombie processes can introduce security vulnerabilities in a Linux system. The existence of numerous zombie processes can confuse system administrators and monitoring tools, making it difficult to detect malicious activities. Attackers can exploit this confusion to hide their actions, launch attacks, or gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. A compromised zombie process can serve as a platform for executing unauthorized code, leading to potential data breaches or system compromises.

4. Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks:

Zombie processes can become a tool for launching Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. By intentionally creating a large number of zombies, an attacker can exhaust system resources and overwhelm the process table. This can render the system unresponsive, denying legitimate users access to critical services and causing significant disruption.

Preventing the Creation of Zombie Process in Linux

Zombie processes consume valuable system resources, such as process table entries and memory, which can eventually lead to resource exhaustion. It is, therefore, crucial to prevent their creation and promptly handle terminated child processes.

1. Proper Handling of Child Process Termination:

The parent process should diligently handle the termination of its child processes. After creating a child process, the parent process can use the wait() system call to collect the exit status. This ensures that the process entry is removed from the process table, preventing the creation of zombies.


2. Implementing Signal Handling:

Another way to prevent zombie processes is by implementing signal handling in the parent process. By handling the SIGCHLD signal, which is sent to the parent when a child process terminates, we can promptly collect the exit status and clean up the zombie process using waitpid().


3. Using the SA_NOCLDWAIT Flag:

When setting up the signal handler for SIGCHLD, we can use the SA_NOCLDWAIT flag. This flag automatically reaps terminated child processes without the need for explicit wait() or waitpid() calls. It ensures that child processes are promptly cleaned up, preventing the creation of zombie processes.


Killing Zombie Processes

Now we will explore effective methods to identify and terminate zombie processes, liberating the system from their grasp with practical examples.

Identifying Zombie Processes:

To begin the process of killing zombies processes, we first need to identify them. Open a terminal and execute the following command:

This command uses ps aux to list all processes and awk to filter and display only the process IDs ($2) of zombie processes. The process state column ($8) is checked for the value "Z" to identify zombies.

Let's assume the output of the command is:

Here, "4567" represents the process ID of a zombie process.

Killing Zombie Processes:

Once we have identified the zombie process ID, we need to determine its parent process ID (PPID) and terminate it. Execute the following command to find the parent process ID:

Replace "4567" with the actual process ID of the zombie process. The output will display the parent process ID.

The output of the above command is:

Here, "1234" represents the parent process ID.

To terminate the parent process, use the kill command as follows:

Replace "1234" with the actual parent process ID obtained in the previous step. The -9 option sends the SIGKILL signal to forcefully terminate the process.

Learn More

  1. What is Process Management in Linux?
  2. Linux System Admin Commands


In conclusion, a zombie process in Linux is a terminated child process that remains in the system's process table while waiting for its parent process to collect its exit status.

  • A zombie process is a type of process that has completed its execution but still has an entry in the process table.
  • Zombie processes are typically created when a child process terminates, but its parent process fails to collect its termination status.
  • Zombie processes do not consume any system resources other than a small amount of memory for storing their process table entry.
  • The presence of zombie processes is usually harmless and does not impact the overall system performance.
  • However, having too many zombie processes can indicate a problem with the parent process or the system's process management.
  • Zombie processes are automatically reaped by the operating system when the parent process eventually collects their termination status.
  • If a parent process fails to collect the termination status of its child processes for an extended period, it may indicate a bug or programming error.
  • To avoid zombie processes, developers should ensure that their programs properly handle the termination status of child processes using system calls like wait() or waitpid().
  • System administrators can monitor and manage zombie processes using tools like ps, top, or the proc file system.